Health products
The LACsell® range of nutritional supplements in tablet and capsule form includes products that are unique in the world in their active ingredients (PRP polipeptides and 100% Colostrum fat).
All products are packed in hygienic blisters (protective foil). The basis of all these products is 100% pure Colostrum foremilk.
Below are seven reasons why LACsell® Colostrum products are so special.
- All products contain natural ingredients based on 100% pure Colostrum as well as valuable vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
- Our Colostrum is processed only from the 1st and 2nd milkings, and, without exception, from the surplus supply of Colostrum
- Technically advanced cold pressing process and gentle freeze-drying guarantee the preservation of the natural, active ingredients.
- Our products contain no preservatives and are free of antibiotics and hormone residues from the mother cow.
- LACsell®, as a company name, and its entire product range are registered and protected by the Patent Office in Munich, Germany.
- Colostrum products are offered in family-friendly packaging sizes with a monthly quantities.
- LACsell® Colostrum Colostrum products have an excellent price-performance ratio.
- Immonomedax®
- Immonomedax®
- Kinder Immunomedax®
- Kinder Immunomedax®
- Kinder Immunomedax®
- Metabomedax®
- Metabomedax®
- Metabomedax®
- Neuromedax®
- Neuromedax®
- Neuromedax®
- Osteomedax®
- Osteomedax®
- Osteomedax®
Dear Madam, Dear,
As a manufacturer of health products/nutritional supplements “Made in Germany”, we have enhanced our product range for export to include baby milk powder, children’s milk powder, adult milk powder and industrial milk powder in order to expand internationally with this addition to our product portfolio.